Independent Activities for Young Kids

Whether you’re working from home, or home is your work, sometimes you just need a couple of minutes to yourself. While your young child may not usually be willing to play nicely in the next room so  you can have a moment of peace, you may be able to convince them by providing some fun quiet activities that don’t require you to play along side of them.

10 Independent Activities for Young Kids
This post is loaded with affiliate links, you don’t need to buy them, but if you do, I get some extra money!

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10 Fun Activities To Do With Your Kids: All Ages

Well, friends, we’re back. Goober is a year older (so am I, but that’s irrelevant) and he’s even more on the move than he’s ever been. Last year, I had the opportunity to take a job as a teacher in a local daycare center. I seized that opportunity and hit the ground running so fast, I kind of forgot to look back at this blog. Now, with the dreaded Covid-19 quarantine looming over us, I feel a lot more prepared than I would had I not started teaching. (I primarily teach in the 4-5 age group, but I frequently visit the younger age groups as well). So straying from our original “Books First” focus, I have prepared a list of some fun things to do if you’re spending a LOT of time home with your kids!

10 Things To Do With Your Kids!
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Trading Screen Time for Me Time

Raising young readers is hard. It has always been hard, and as society progresses, we will continue to see new challenges erupt in trying to get our children to love reading. We’ve already posted a few pointers in getting your kids into reading, but how do we get them to trade out that screen time (tablets, phones, computers, TV) without an all out war breaking out in your home? Here, we’ll go over some awesome ways to decrease your kids time using tech and substitute for other activities (not just reading! Crafting, playing, cooking, and others are all VERY important for development!) Keep reading to find out my techniques and ideas, and make sure to add some other tips and tricks in the comments!

trading tech
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